2017 Youth Ink: 60 Seconds


The contest is open to middle school students (6th, 7th and 8th grade), who live in Orinda or attend an Orinda school.

Submission Criteria:

Entries may be a story (fiction or non-fiction), poem, or other form of creative writing, written specically for the contest and without teacher or parent involvement. All entries must be written in English. Submissions will be evaluated on the following items: content, clarity, structure, and originality.

Contest Prompt: 

The writing prompt for 2017 is 60 Seconds; however, you may write about anything you like—real or imaginary—adhere to the prompt or not! There is no limit to your imagination.


Contest opens December 5, 2016. One entry per student. Download an entry form here. There is no fee to participate. All submissions must be 750 words or less, typed, and double-spaced. Contestant names should appear on the top right-hand corner of each page and the completed entry form must be stapled to your submission. Winning submissions may be posted for the public and re-printed in local papers. Entries must be delivered and postmarked (Orinda Junior Women’s Club, Post Office Box 40, Orinda, CA 94563) or emailed to info@orindajuniors.org by February 15, 2017.


The entries will be judged by a panel of local, professional, and best-selling authors, writers, reporters, and children’s book editors. The judges will evaluate submissions and select the winners. The judges will remain confidentdential until the winners are announced.

Prizes: First Place $250, Second Place $125, and Third Place $75, and ten honorable mentions gift certicates. Winners will be notied by mail and receive their prizes at an Awards Ceremony on April 20, 2067 from 6:00−7:00pm. The ceremony is open to the public and all family and friends are invited to attend.

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